Resident Diaries Podcast

Resident Diaries
Resident Diaries is a podcast for residents in training in any medical or surgical field who are feeling exhausted, burned out, depressed, or alone, residents who are needing a safe and anonymous space to talk about difficult experiences. We are taught to privately deal with our feelings about the many difficult things we see – the deaths, the bad outcomes, the terrifying diseases, the devastating traumas–this is not healthy and fuels burnout. If you are wanting a safe and anonymous space to vent and have your feelings heard, give us a call at 1-833-MYDIARY, leave an anonymous voicemail and speak your mind. Remember that these will be on the internet, so leave out any identifying information.
Release Schedule
New episodes of Resident Diaries are released every ***. To make sure you don't miss an episode, subscribe for free using the links below to get the show on your device automatically each week!
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